Monday, 29 June 2009

Testing the Water.

For a while now I haven't sent off any of my short stories into the great oblivion of the publishing world; mainly because I have been concentrating on drafting and re-drafting my novel, but also because I was getting a bit fed up and disheartened by the rejections I was constantly receiving. It made no difference how many times I told myself that even the Great Ones: Stephen King, J K Rowling etcetera etcetera, all got their fair share of rejections before hitting the Big Time. I still felt a bit of a failure and stopped sending things off, especially when I would receive comments from magazines such as 'quality writing, should have no trouble finding a market for your work'. So why didn't they publish the perishing thing?
Anyway, I've decided to start sending my work off again. I am going to try and send something off at least once a month. The first piece I have sent off - just two days ago - was a story I wrote about five years back and have always been proud of, called 'Mackenzie's Cottage'. A company called Rebel Books are producing an anthology for 2010. it will be a collection of supernatural tales, aimed at teenagers and young adults, so I thought I would give it a go. If successful I receive a free copy of the book and a share in any royalties. Plus, my name will get out there. The deadline isn't until November of this quite a time to wait yet, but what have I got to lose.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.....


Anthony Rapino said...

Good luck with the new batch of submissions.

I've also taken over a year off from submitting because of my novel. Actually, just today I had a query accepted for a proposed review article. Now I just have to write it, and hope they accept *that* as well. ;-)

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Akasha - I know it's hard but you mustn't take rejections personally. The problme is, publishers are constantly inundated with MS and simply don't have time to read them all, let alone consider them seriously. I'm sure you're at least as talented as many published authors. You just have to keep trying and trust that something will get through one day. It happened to me. It could happen to you. All you need is one stroke of luck. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
And thank you very much for kindly offering to review my book. I really hope you like it!!!

Leigh Russell said...

...and the problme is meant to be the problem... woops!

Rabid Fox said...

Good luck with those submissions. I know I have to do a better job, myself, with managing between short stories and novels. Ah well. Big picture, and all that jazz. :)

Rick said...

There are a lot of us rooting for you out here who think you have talent, Akasha. Your success is coming.

Akasha Savage. said...

onipar - it is so hard isn't it, trying to complete a novel, send of short story submissions, and juggle a family and job. We must be crazy!

Leigh - when I got home from work today your book was on my doormat! I've already read the first four chapters. Watch this space....

Rabid Fox - I find it really difficult to keep focused on that big picture. My vision keeps blurring!!

Rick - Bless you. That comment meant alot to me. :)

Middle Ditch said...

Good luck Akasha, it's a very competitive world out there.

You'll get there.

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

I say nothing ventured, nothing gained. And what's the worst that can happen? Rejection? Who cares. I am currently researching some markets trying to decide what to write and where to send it to. I think researching that market and thinking about the audience in mind is key.