Wednesday, 11 November 2009

The King is Back!!


The BEST THING in the world happened today - at least I think so anyway!

Stephen King's new book hit the shelves and in my lunch break I bought a copy.

Under The Dome is almost 900 pages in length.

Yummy Yummy!!

I will let you know what I think of it as soon as I reach the last page....


Alan W. Davidson said...

I look forward to your review. Wow! 900 pages...shades of The Stand.

Valerie Geary said...

oooo.... can't wait!!! read faster! :)

Nevine Sultan said...

Looking forward to your review, Akasha. Although I think I'll order me a copy as well. I'm a huge Stephen King fan, and I don't want your review to be a spoiler. ;-) But really, I look forward to reading your perspective of that. Hurry, now. You've got us holding our breath!


Akasha Savage. said...

Alan ~ Under the Dome is suppose to be his best epic since The Stand. I'm already hooked!

Valerie ~ I'm already 100 pages in!

Nevine ~ I promise I won't give too much of the story away. :)

Anonymous said...

900 pages? That sounds like total immersion. Enjoy. :)

Rabid Fox said...

I share in your want to read this book, though it will take a couple of weeks to get through it when I finally get my hands on a copy.

It sounds very promising, as there are few King novels that I have read and not enjoyed.

John Pender said...

I almost bought it yesterday in the airport.

Akasha Savage. said...

Jason ~ I am immersed!

Rabid Fox ~ I am 200 pages in...but not giving anything away yet....

John ~ it would have put up your weight's one doorstop of a book!

Vesper said...

I look forward to reading your review. 900 pages... what a feat, and a feast! :-)

Rick said...

Yes, do post on this Akasha! Dying to know how it is.

Akasha Savage. said...

Vesper ~ it is a reading feast indeed!...but it plays havoc with my writing!!

Rick ~ I'm 300 pages in, I'll post a review asap.

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

I thought King was going to retire. This book sounds suspiciously like the Simpsons when the entire town of Springfield was put under a transparent dome. Is anyone in the book named Homer? Does anyone have a catch phrase such as "Great ooglie googlie?"

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...
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Akasha Savage. said...

Stewart ~ That was my thought exactly when I heard what King's new book was about! I love the Simpson's movie and I bet that's where SK got his idea from...although I must add, so far the story is not anything like the adventures of Homer...bit more blood and gore; you know how it is in Kingdom.
As for retiring: once a writer, always a writer, that's what I say. How do you stop the words from coming?