Wednesday, 21 October 2009

...a random musing....

This morning as I was driving my daughter to the train station, we came across a solitary work boot - a Doc Marten type - lying abandoned in the middle of the road. This is not the first time I have noticed single items of discarded footwear.
Where do they come from?
Does the owner not notice as one of their shoes/boots/trainers fly off?
I have visions of people getting some sort of a shock, and being scared right out of their shoes, and then running off, limping and unbalanced down the road!
...just a random musing...


Alan W. Davidson said...

Hmm...sounds like a story here. What on earth could scare them so bad they've ran off that quickly and left a boot behind?

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Oooooh that reminds me of your scary story with the boots!!!!!!

Nevine Sultan said...

Oh, now that was an eerie thought, Akasha! I like that dark thinking. I think I came by once before. And here I am again. BTW, thanks for tagging along!


John Pender said...

Something I've always wondered myself!

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

I love this observation. I'd suggest that the shoe came off as he was grabbed around the middle and yanked into the shadows...screaming.

Rick said...

Maybe there clues...

Akasha Savage. said...

Alan ~ that's the trouble with me, I see a story in everything!

Ello ~ it reminded me of that story too. :)

Nevive ~ That's me. The Queen of Dark Thinking! ;)

John ~ Glad I'm not the only one!

Stewart ~ My thoughts exactly! :D

Rick ~ Perhaps I should go looking for clues....

Vesper said...

Good question! :-)

You had a great story about a pair of boots a while ago...

Paula RC said...

Put pen to paper and see what else your mind can make of it... maybe, like Alan said there a book waiting to be written.

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